
We'll periodically post images of vessels that drift past our perch on the Bosphorous. If you are a new arrival, the Bosphorous is the waterway (straits) that divides Europe from Asia and cuts right through the middle of Istanbul. You could swim from Europe to Asia (or vice versa) in about 30 minutes - if you could survive the boat traffic and/or the pollution.

The blog's perch is about half way up (or down) the Bosphorous - not the city's most supreme view. Yet, it's not too high, not too low - good enough to afford a decent view. Then again, anything better in terms of view will cost you upward of a million. Dollars. No... more. Much more. This view is free.

The aim here is to provide regular images and - where possible - further details regarding boat traffic between the Black Sea, the Marmara and points beyond.

It's not CIA - although they used to maintain a prominent viewing location (and probably still do) - The transit through the Bosphorous is Russia's traditional outlet to the world's oceans - most other Russian outlets ice over in the winter. But, there is no hidden blog agenda, no intent to spy. This is just our view and publicly available data related to those views: Boats on the Water. Passing by. Happened to catch them ....

Monday, November 30, 2015


Name: Oruba
Heading: South/Marmara
Type:  cargo
Flags: Panama
Date: 30 Nov 2015


Name: Tahiti
Heading: South/Marmara
Type:  tanker
Flags: Malta
Date: 30 Nov 2015

Friday, November 27, 2015

Spyros K

Looks to be riding kind of high. Must be empty.
Trust, Tradition and Teamwork (so it says below the bridge).
Is that what the big T stands for? (No ... that would be Ten, as it says along the side, and the Spyros K is listed as part of a Greek fleet, vessel registered in ... Liberia)

Name: Spyros K
Heading: North/Black Sea
Type:  tanker
Flags: Liberia
 Date: 27 Nov 2015

volzhskiy 33

Name: Volzhskiy 33
Heading: North/Black Sea
Type:  cargo
Flags: Russia
Date: 27 Nov 2015

pretty victory

Name: Pretty Victory
Heading: North/Black Sea
Type:  bulk carrier
Flags: Marshall Islands
Date: 27 Nov 2015

Ulus Wind

Looked like it was the Blue Wind, but the Bosp Live web site says it is the Ulus, not the Blue.
The Cyrillic letters are fairly clear - as is the Turkish flag on the fore-mast.

Name:Ulus Wind
Heading: North/Black Sea
Type: cargo
Flags: Russia
Date: 27 Nov 2015

Black Shark

Name: Black Shark
Heading: North/Black Sea
Type:  tanker
Flags: Italy
Date: 27 Nov 2015

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Volga & Karla A

Name: Karla A & Volga
Heading: South/Marmara
Type:  container & cargo
Flags: Turkey & Panama
Date: 26 Nov 2015

Karla A

Name: Karla A
 Heading: South/Marmara
Type:  container
Flags: Turkey
Date: 26 Nov 2015

Bakhtiyar Vahabzade

Name: Bakhtiyar Vahabzade
 Heading: South/Marmara
Type:  tanker
Flags: Malta
Date: 26 Nov 2015

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Max SomethingorOther

Clearly saw the name and then promptly forgot the second part. It was Max something. Unfortunately, this was another "caught with only a cell phone" shot, and the Bosp Staights Live web sites can't seem to locate any such ship north of the city, so it goes un-identified. It's headed north towards the Black Sea and looks to be an empty tanker.


Anafarta is the Turkish for a section of the Gallipoli peninsula (as in WWI) - seems an appropriate name for a ship and is certainly pregnant with meaning for Turks.
Like the late afternoon warm lighting!

Name: Anafarta
Heading: North/Black Sea
Type:  cargo
Flags: Turkish
Date: 25 Nov 2015

Selin D

Name: Selin D
 Heading: North/Black Sea
Type:  tanker
Flags: Malta
Date: 25 Nov 2015

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Name: Umlma
Heading: South/Marmara
Type:  tanker
Flags: Qatar
Date: 24 Nov 2015

Friday, November 20, 2015


The fewer hours of daylight there are, the harder it gets to nail one or more and then get its data. Darkness limits the photo opportunity and the identification process.
Searching the Sea of Marmara at the approximate location that this ship could be 5 hours after the photo produced results this time:

Name: Dahi ByulByul
Heading: South/Marmara
Type:  tanker
Flags: Russia
Date: 20 Nov 2015

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

un-identified neptune lines

Surprised again after waiting for 30 minutes for something to pass by before it gets dark... nothing.
And then, out - with only the cell phone ... this thing
NeptuneLines is pretty obvious. The rest is up to you.
Oh .. but there is a destroyer heading north just in front of it


We thought we had the name of this thing ... Juon? But it doesnt show up on the local vessel finder.
Oh well... Just glad to be catching anything these days, what with the time change - it's dark before we even get a chance most days.
Next time for sure ...

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Name: Delia
Heading: North/Black Sea
Type:  carrier
Flags: Cyprus
 Date: 12 Nov 2015



The mist has been really bad the last few days - you can sense/see it in the images- not so clear.
Here: Murgash with the smaller Comanche in the background, making way for Murgash by moving out to the center of the Straights to allow Murgash the right of way.

Name: Murgash
Heading: North/Black Sea
Type:  cargo
Flags: Malta
Date: 12 Nov 2015


We've seen this one before but we don't see a record for it on the blog (that will happen soon enough as the same boats show up on their return trips!)
Or on the internet?
Comanche was passing by at the same time as Murgash (next post)

Name: Comanche
Heading: North/Black Sea
Type: looks like tanker
Flags: ??
Date: 12 Nov 2015

Friday, November 6, 2015

Alexander Peresvet

Now ... this one's a lesson in the Cyrillic alphabet.
We looked hard at the name (and it's not a very large ship, so the font size is limited).
Again and again: Amerikan Presept?
Granted, our equipment is not state of the art ... shaky binoculars, digital camera through the binoculars ...

later edit - sorry: aleksandr (not aleksander)

Name: Alexander Peresvet
Heading: North/Black Sea
Type:  cargo
Flags: Russia
Date: 06 Nov 2015

Western Maple

Name: Western Maple
Heading: North/Black Sea
Type:  carrier
Flags: Hong Kong
Date: 06 Nov 2015


Name: Vikki
Heading: North/Black Sea
Type:  cargo
Flags: Malta
Date: 06 Nov 2015

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

UASC Jilfar

About 1 hour after Wadi Alyarmouk came past headed south, the traffic direction switched over to south>north. UASC Jilfar is loaded pretty full but the water line is still visible. Containers empty? (Not in this direction?) That's one large vessel.

Name: UASC Jilfar
Heading: North/Black Sea
Type:  container
Flags: Liberia
Date: 04 Nov 2015

Wadi Alyarmouk

On the front end, you can see the Arabic script above the Western letters.
At the back, it is also visible.
The smoke-stack logo seems mildly in appropriate. No?
Any guesses as to what it signifies?

Name: Wadi Alyarmouk
Heading: South/Marmara
Type:  carrier
Flags: Egypt
Date: 04 Nov 2015

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Four shots in a row of  the Euro: lots of detail if you examine each photo individually.
The corporate logo (T for TEN) is obvious.
You can catch the name front and back ...  sorry:  fore and aft- and you can see the port of origin: Nassau

Name: Euro
Heading: North/Black Sea
Type:  tanker
Flags: Bahamas
Date: 03 Nov 2015